Learning to Accept Yourself
















You may be surprised at how many people lack the ability to accept themselves for who they are. Many people are able to put on a front so they appear self-confident when they really aren’t.

The good news is […]

Understanding the Difference Between Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence
















Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

People often confuse these two terms. Many assume they’re simply just two different words for the same thing, but this isn’t true. You can have a lot of self-esteem and minimal self-confidence. The […]

Developing an Attitude that Helps You Achieve Your Goals

Photo by kylie De Guia on Unsplash

Your mindset, beliefs, and feelings all work together to create your attitude.

If you change your mindset you can overcome any difficulty in your life. Most of your fears are caused by not having the correct mindset.

Before you can achieve your goals though, you need to […]

Say Goodbye to Impostor Syndrome

Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

Do you feel like a fraud in danger of being exposed when someone praises your work? Do you think your achievements are just a matter of luck? If so, you may be experiencing Imposter syndrome.

That’s the term psychologists invented in the 1970s when they were studying successful […]

Boosting Self-Image

There’s a lot you can accomplish by having a positive self-image. Your confidence will increase which means that you can deal with more situations. People will respond to your increased self-image in a positive way as well.

The first step to increasing your self-image is to know yourself. You need to understand your capabilities […]

Do you say ‘No’ often?

Saying ‘no’ is difficult for many people which makes it hard to control your own life. Too many people will take advantage of you if you always say ‘yes’ to every request no matter whether it relates to your work or interferes with you plans.

Once you learn to say ‘no’ and people around […]

You Have To Believe In Yourself To Be Happy

Do you really want to be happy? If you do then you have to believe in yourself.

You are ultimately responsible for your own happiness, no one else knows what makes you happy and no one can make the changes for you to make you happy.

But in order to be happy you […]

A Starter Guide To Self Improvement

Staying calm, composed and maintaining strong self esteem in today’s tough environment can be difficult but is not impossible if you follow a few simple guidelines. Here are 6 tips you can use as a starter guide to self improvement.Everything and everyone else around you can affect your self esteem. Other people can deliberately […]

Are Those Self-Help Books Really Helpful?

One avenue that many people take when it comes to improving their self-confidence and self-worth is that of reading material. As there are so many people that need a huge boost when it comes to self-worth, many authors have discovered a virtual goldmine. They sit down and whip up these self-help books, give them […]

Changing Your Behavior

You can gain control of your life by making positive changes to your behavior patterns, so your behaviors support your goals.

Follow this process to adopt a new behavior:

Write a list of the positive benefits you’ll receive Just decide that you’re going to do it. Making a decision is the first step […]