Moving out of your comfort zone by setting S.M.A.R.T. goals

diver and comfort zone


Are you feeling like you will never achieve your life's goals and live the life you deserve? Does it feel like the world is conspiring against you to hold you back?

Sometimes it is not the world that is holding you back it is yourself. You may be the cause of your lack of achievement and not even realize it.

We ail have limited beliefs and bad habits that get in our way of achieving the lifestyle and life we know that we deserve.

It is just so hard to break through these beliefs and habits and build and develop new empowering beliefs and habits. We get into our comfort zone and anything that makes us feel even a little bit uncomfortable drives us to quit moving forward and fall back to where we know what is going to happen, even if it doesn't serve us well.

One of the first things you must do is know what your goals are and what they will mean to you once you achieve them. You can start doing this by requesting the PDF “Moving Out of My Comfort Zone Goals”. This downloaded and fillable PDF contains questions that can help you set S.M.A.R.T. Goals that move you out of your comfort zone and get you on the path to a better life.

You can download two PDFs, one that you can print and fill-in and a second that can be filed-in on-line. To request the 2 PDFs just fill in you name and email address below.

If you want even more help in setting goals and moving towards your best life ever, you can contact me at and we can set up a 30-minute strategy call to discuss your situation and how we can work together to move you into a new phase of your life.

Remember that nothing happens until you take action. So fill in the information above or call me and take that first step towards a better, more fulfilling life.

To your success


Michael W







P.S. The cost of doing nothing is more of the same in your life with frustration and a feeling of not knowing if your life could be better. You can start the process of change by requesting the PDFs or contacting me now.

P.P.S. If you think that your fears are holding you back, then this book may help:

Overcome Your Fear and Become More Successful

People who succeed in life are people who take risks. Many rich people often lose large fortunes on the chances that they take, but they keep going because the next risk may pay off. If you continually listen to your amygdala or "lizard brain" you cannot be successful because you will also give in to your fear.

Instinct tells us to run and flee from risk. We are programmed to fight change and run away from challenges.

These reactions are so deep in our programming that they are not going to change overnight, but they can be changed. It also won't be easy but it can be done.

You reprogram the amygdala a little bit every time you conquer your fear. You don't want it to go away completely, we still need it for those times when we really are in danger. But we need to listen to it only when needed, when we face real danger.

That is when we will truly find success.


Feature Image by vampire86d from Pixabay

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