Strengthen your motivation using these 4 methods

Are successful people separate from society? The only difference is that successful people had goals and they developed the necessary motivation to reach them. They are really no different from anyone else on the planet except for that trait.

What do you need to do to make your motivation strong enough so that you can achieve your goals? You will find out in this article. These techniques will take time to work out so you will need to be persistent in using them much like anything else in life. When you do this, the rewards you receive will be worth it.

You can’t just read this article and do nothing. You need to take action in order to collect the rewards. Being motivated is a state of mind, and these techniques will get you into a motivation state even when you don’t feel motivated.

What is your purpose?

Why o you want to achieve your goal? What are the reasons that you want to achieve the goal of financial freedom for instance? When you have achieved his goal, what will you do with the free time and money that you will have?

If your goal is to create a successful business, then you could have a purpose statement like “I provide value to the world”. You need to create a “why” statement then add your reason to it. When you need to give your motivation a boost, refer to your “why” statement and reason.

Don’t be deterred by mental blocks

Has this ever happened to you when you are trying to achieve something important? We need to compete a task that lead to our goal but for some reason our brain seems to disengage and we can’t get started on the task. From time to time we all have mental blocks.

Mental blocks are usually related to some negative thinking on our part. You are not asking the right questions or saying the right things to yourself mentally. Reframing the negative into a positive will help to remove this block. Instead of saying “I don’t know how to accomplish this” say “what can I do to get this task done as quickly as possible?”


Many people overthink things. This creates more pressure and led to more stress which has a large negative impact on motivation. You can actually shrink your brain if you do this too often.

Stop overthinking right now! Simplify your goals as much as you can. Break your large goal down into daily steps that don’t require much thinking when you are doing them. Your motivation will grow when you complete each small step because you will be seeing progress towards your main goal.

Have a positive perception about your goals

Notice how you feel about the task when you start working on it. Do you feel positive and ready to go or do you dread starting it and have lots of concerns? Your motivation will be lower if you have any negative thoughts about a task. You will make achieving the goals a lot more difficult.

You can change any negative thoughts and feelings about a task with some effort and work. You need to think abut how you will feel when you complete the task. How satisfied will you be? Will you be relieved that it is finished? These positive feelings will change how your approach the tasks that you have.

To your success

Michael W

If you want to get things done while keeping your motivation level high, you should check out the book “Keeping Your Motivation High to Get Things Done”.

motivation book cover

This is a quick read and will really help you to add even more methods for building and keeping your motivation at a higher level.

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