Goals on Fire Program

Goals goals_on_fire

(noun, countable) something that you hope to achieve (Macmillan Dictionary online)

You have your wishes and dreams of the things that you want in your life. The things that you want to achieve in your life and maybe, you have set some goals as well that all point to the same things. But you never seem to achieve or reach those things. Something happens and you can't seem to breakthrough and actually bring those things into your life.

Maybe your goals aren't really goals but just wishes of things that are nice to have and maybe someday you will finally see your wishes come true.

Wishes versus goals

I am here to tell you, wishes never come true.

Wishes are not how the most successful people in industry, business and life became successful.

They knew what they wanted and developed the step-by-step set of goals to reach their desires. They developed the burning desire to achieve these goals and did not let anything take them away from achieving them.

You too need to develop strong attainable goals and create a burning desire within you to reach those goals no matter what obstacles are put in your path. You need to be like an ant that goes over, under around or through any obstacle that comes between you and your goal.

Your goals also need to stretch you. You need to be a little afraid of the goal. Simple goals are good to start but if the ultimate goal doesn't take you out of your comfort zone and scare you a little bit, then perhaps it isn't big enough or important enough in your life's plan.

So, how do you develop those challenging goals? How do you stay on-track to actually achieve all of the goals you set for yourself? What can you do NOW to develop, set and achieve life changing goals?

The Goals on Fire Program

The Goals on Fire Program is just the help you need at this point in your life.

By joining the Goals on Fire Program, you will be guided through the process of setting and achieving goals. These are not simple goals, but life changing goals that move you forward to the job, relationship and life that you desire.

Building and attaining goals can be done by anyone, but why don't more people set goals and achieve them? It comes down to work and desire.

The work is in developing, setting and sticking to the goal steps no matter what happens. Sometimes there will be setbacks but you can't let these derail your progress. This is where many people stop trying to achieve their goals.

You need that deep, burning desire to achieve your goals when life throws a monkey-wrench into the works.

If you have a Life Coach to guide you along the way to achieving your goals, it just becomes that much easier to achieve them.

A Life Coach keeps you moving forward when you want to give up and keeps you motivated and focused on the end-point – successful attainment of your goals.

What you will develop and implement

When you join The Goals on Fire Program you:

  • review all areas of your personal and business life and develop the goals that you want to achieve in those areas;
  • understand the difference between goals and wishes and develop the burning desire to turn the goals into reality in your life;
  • prioritize those goals so that you are not overwhelmed and can concentrate on the most important goals so that you see success and continue to work further;
  • set-up the plan on attaining those goals by breaking the large seemingly overwhelming goals down into small bite-sized chunks that can be achieved relatively quickly so that you don't become frustrated;
  • put in-place methods to monitor and track your progress towards your goals to keep you focused and driven to attain all of your goals; and
  • have access to a Life Coach who keeps you focused and moving forward towards the successful attainment of your goals.

The package details

The Goals on Fire Program consists of the following:

  • 15 to 20 minute guided sessions on your schedule that coach you towards identifying, planning how to reach your goals and helping you in reaching your life goals;
  • unlimited email support so that you can ask questions related to the sessions and assignments;
  • worksheets or cheat-sheets that you complete between sessions that provide direction and guidance to help you achieve your goals and to keep you on-track;
  • follow-up calls and emails between sessions to keep you on track towards reaching all of your goals;
  • voice recordings of all session emailed immediately after the session so that you can listen to the session later;

What is my investment?

Your investment in yourself through the Goals on Fire Program is $997 USD for the complete program (it is only 2.75 per day, probably less than a cup of fancy coffee) with a commitment of 1-year. Payment options are available and will be discussed on the Discovery Session call.

You don't have to take this journey by yourself.

You can work with a Confidence and Goals Life Coach and gain the inner confidence in yourself and the knowledge about setting and achieving goals that can make such a difference in your life.

How to get started

Now that you want to get moving on developing and implementing the life changing goals that are necessary to become a more successful person, how do you start on this important life journey.

The first thing you need to do is contact me to arrange a discovery session to go over the program and work out all of the necessary details to move forward on the program.

The discovery session will be a 30-minute Skype, Zoom or WeChat call where we will discuss the program, what you want from the program as well getting to know whether we can actually work together to achieve your goals.

You can go directly to my calendar at:

Strategy Session Booking

to book a time for the discovery session.

The decision is now yours to make. Book a session to move forward with building, developing and attaining your life goals; or stay where you are in life, achieving less than satisfying results.

To your success, whatever your decision.

Michael W


While you can set and attain goals and achieve more in your life through this package, I cannot guarantee that this will happen. You are the only person that can do the work and put in the effort necessary to reach the goals you want and desire. I can help you and guide you but you have the ultimate responsibility for your own success.

If you do not want to put in the work or make the time commitment, or if you think that this will be easy, then this program is not for you.