Maximum Confidence Transformation Package

I conquer my challengesConfidence

(noun, uncountable) the belief that you are able to do things well (Macmillan Dictionary online)

Confidence, you have it or you don't. Sure you can be somewhat confident but that only gets you so far in life. In order to really succeed and move forward you need real, deep down confidence.

Why? What makes having confidence so important in life?

Have you ever given a speech that had good content but was not well received or didn't achieve the results you were looking for? Your voice and actions may have shown that you just didn't have confidence in yourself when you were speaking. Wouldn't you like to develop the level of confidence in your speaking to have people in the audience jump at your offer.

At work, have you been passed over for a promotion or not even tried for a promotion because you just weren't confident enough in your abilities? You know you have the skills and experience to do the job but you just didn't speak up or even let your boss know that you wanted the position. Your lack of confidence is holding you back.

Do you do the same things day-in and day-out because they are comfortable? Have you thought about doing something different and more exciting, something that stretches you and adds value to life but you just didn't try because it would take you out of your comfort zone? You are in a rut. A rut has been defined as a grave with the ends kicked-out. If you were confident, you would try new things and experience new emotions and pleasures in life.

We all have some level of confidence in our abilities but sometimes it just isn't enough and we need help to build it up to a level that lets us enjoy more things in our life.

You can become that dynamic, confident person that you always wanted to be but you don't know where to get the help you need to move you and your confidence up to the highest levels.

The Maximum Confidence Transformation Package

The Maximum Confidence Transformation Package is just that help you need.

Working through the Maximum Confidence Transformation Package, you will transform your confidence level through guided sessions that identifies where you presently are and determines where you want to be and assists you in planning how to get there and then getting you there. You are never alone in your journey to greater confidence.

You gain insight into what confidence is and how to act now while you are building up your confidence level. You will be able to put into place simple things that you can do right now that will immediately boost your confidence.

You will also be guided through exercises that you can do which will keep your confidence level elevated no matter what the situation.

What you will develop and implement

Working through the Maximum Confidence Transformation Package, you will:

  • identify those areas in all aspects of your business and life that you are not confident in and develop the plan on how to breakthrough and gain confidence;
  • implement strategies to build your confidence and self-confidence that you can do at anytime your confidence sags;
  • work to build up your confidence levels so that you can achieve your goals and desires even in less than perfect situations;
  • implement strategies to build your self-awareness which is linked to confidence in your abilities; and
  • implement strategies to build your self-esteem so that you care about yourself and how you relate to others in your life.

Making an investment in yourself is worthwhile but not many people take the time or devote the energy to making the sometimes simple changes that can reap huge benefits in all areas of your life.

Don't you be like everyone else. Invest in yourself and see what it is like to have the confidence to do those things and be the person you have always wanted to be.

Many people will look at this package and decide that they would like to do it, but they just don't make the connection to take up the challenge and move themselves forward to a better life.

No one can do this for you. You must be the one to make the commitment to start the process of building your confidence level to the highest it can become.

The package details

The Maximum Confidence Transformation Package consists of the following:

  • 4 x 1 hour guided sessions per month that coach you towards developing and improving your confidence;
  • unlimited email support to ask any questions that you have between sessions;
  • worksheets and cheat-sheets that you complete between sessions that provide self-help to gain confidence;
  • 10 minute telephone follow-up between sessions to keep you on track towards the more confident self you desire to become ;
  • voice recordings of each session sent to you immediately after the session so that you can review the material covered between sessions;
  • membership in a closed Facebook group where you can interact with other confidence seekers and gain access to confidence building articles and videos; and
  • selected monthly confidence ebook provided free as a bonus for joining.

What is my investment?

Your investment in yourself through the Maximum Confidence Transformation Package is $1250 USD per month with a minimum commitment of 6 months. Payment options are available and will be discussed on the Discovery Session call.

You don't have to take this journey by yourself.

You can work with a Confidence Life Coach and gain the inner confidence in yourself and your abilities that can make such a difference in your life.

How to get started

Now that you want to get moving on developing and implementing the changes necessary to become a more confident person, how do you start on this important life journey.

The first thing you need to do is contact me to arrange a discovery session to go over the program and work out all of the necessary details to move forward on the program.

The discovery session will be a 30-minute telephone or Skype call where we will discuss the program, what you want from the program as well getting to know whether we can actually work together to achieve your goals.

You can email me at: with the subject line: “I want to build my confidence”

or you can go directly to my calendar at:

to book a time for the discovery session.

The decision is now yours to make. Book a session to move forward with building and developing your confidence level or stay where you are in life, achieving less than satisfying results.

To your success, whatever your decision.

Michael W


While you can become a more confident person and achieve more in your life through this package, I cannot guarantee that this will happen. You are the only person that can do the work and put in the effort necessary to achieve the confidence level you want and desire. I can help you and guide you but you have the ultimate responsibility for your own success.

If you do not want to put in the work or make the time commitment, or think that this will be easy to accomplish, then this package is not for you.